Monday, November 10, 2008

My mom found me just sitting on the stairs pondering the other day... she's not even sure how I got up here.
Ha ha, isn't that funny?

And my big brother likes to put ALOT of gum in his mouth.



grammanisey said...

Hahaha! That IS very funny! :D She was probably wondering herself how she had gotten there! KYLER! How can you keep from choking with that much gum in your mouth?! lol You are too funny! Thanks, Kahri, for posting something on my blog!

Mike Kirkham said...

Grandpa may look like a monkey and smell like one too, but Kahri climbs like a monkey. Awesome !

I am Chree-uz. said...

Kahri looks like lil Jenni in those pics! Are Kyler looks like a kid that would steal gum right out of your mouth...ahem...

Megan said...

Ha ha, did anyone notice how Grandma Kirkham posted a "test" comment on our blog?