Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Medical School!

On Wednesday, May 14th, Steve received the great news that he has been accepted to the University of Toledo College of Medicine in Toledo, Ohio! We are all so proud of him and this great accomplishment. Now, to start this next chapter in our lives. We will be moving to Ohio at the end of June/beginning of July. Pretty quick to just pick up and move. Luckily, most of our stuff is still packed from when we moved into Steve's parents' house back in December. We are excited. A little nervous, but excited still. For more details on all of this, you can visit our blog.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Kahri Marli

Kahri had her 2 month doctor appointment last week, and got her first set of shots :(. She was very sensitive all day and got a small fever, by the next morning she was fine. Doc said she looks to be healthy and growing. She is now 4.860 Kilograms (10.7 pounds) and 56 Centimeters (22.05 inches) long.

Wardrobe Malfunction

Her favorite way to be held lately, weirdo.

Monday, May 12, 2008

"All Flowers Remind Us of You..."

For Mother's Day, Cass used her craftyness to make Mom a nice shadowbox of her babies. It turned out really good and, of course, Ma shed some tears : ) From top left to bottom right: Chris, Jen, Meg, Dan, Jord. Weren't we a cute group o' chubs??

Jen and Meg sent these fruity flowers to mother. I must say, I didn't know flowers like this grew naturally : ) It also had a card that said "All flowers remind me of you."

Also, for a big ward auction to raise money for the Young Women's Girl's Camp, Mother dearest conconcted these dandy treats. Candy sushi! You don't have to like seafood to like this sush, ya just have to dig sugar! Good job, Mom (me and dad did bid on a couple plates o' these babies)

All sushi reminds of you, Ma! We love ya!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

"Jordan's" New Toy

Fun for the whole family!

This drumset is electronic. Which means, luckily for the rest of us, it can be played wearing headphones! It is also hooked to a sound module thing which makes it possible for the drums to sound like things ranging from steel drums to voices! Kind of neat really. Jordan is now learning to play the drums from Dad and from the instructional videos and books that Dad purchased for him. Soon, Jordan can join the ranks in the Kirkham Rock Band....

Monday, May 5, 2008

Lucky Kid...

Daniel made it into Jazz Band for next year at the Junior High!

He started playing the trombone back in fall. The other day, out of the blue he says to mom,
"Oh yeah, I made Jazz Band....... Ya know, I must be like the luckiest kid in the world or something. Because, I didn't even go to the real try outs.... then my teacher told me to just come try out this morning. I didn't even practice or anything. And then I made it."

I think it is more due to his incredible knack for music than luck, really. But, either way, Congrats Daniel! Way to go! We look forward to hearing you Jazz it up next year!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Daniel's Talent Show

Daniel participated in a talent show at school a couple weeks ago. He and his friend Isaac performed "The Greatest View" by Silverchair (Daniel Johns). He ROCKED. We are all so proud of him. GOOD JOB DANIEL!